Collaboration projects

AstroCymru delivers a variety of Science Technology Engineering Arts and Maths (STEAM) workshops as part of various funded project teams.

Collaborating with universities, AstroCymru is passionate about providing opportunities to students throughout Wales with particular focus on reaching isolated communities and areas of high deprivation. Without funded support these underserved communities would not have access to these inspirational opportunities.



Working alongside artist Sarah Bridgland, AstroCymru has been part of the SunSpaceArt team since 2016. Led by Dr Helen Mason, a solar scientist at the University of Cambridge, the SunSpaceArt project brings together scientists and visual artists, linking science with the arts covering lots of STEAM topics.

This project, funded by STFC, aims to inspire students and to encourage them to pursue innovative careers. Students take facts learned and express them in a variety of art pieces including collages, pop-up books and models.

For more information about Sarah’s work, see:


Stardust Hunters

Led by Dr Sarah Roberts of Swansea University, this project aims to engage and enthuse pupils aged 8-14 years about the exciting and relatively new research area of urban micrometeorites. By delivering high quality educational activities based around this topic and highlighting this area of STFC research to school audiences.

We target schools in under-served communities in socioeconomically deprived areas of South and West Wales, providing them with the opportunity to carry out scientific investigations in school (and at home with their parents / families / guardians) which can then genuinely contribute to real research as well as providing pupils with the skills needed to 'work like a scientist' by developing their investigative skills.